Connecting with your baby in the womb is so special. I feel like I’ve known both of my sons before they were born. Tuning into each of them and feeling their energy is one of my favorite things about being pregnant. I’m slightly sad that this pregnancy will over sometime within the next two months, but I’m also so excited for the earth side connection I will have with Lennon.
Some simple ways that you can connect with your baby in the womb:

Rest. Take naps. Sleep. It gives you both quiet time together. Plus, pregnant moms really need rest to grow the baby.

Massage. Lather up the belly butter(@badgerbalm is amazing) and give your baby a massage. It won’t hurt them. It will actually feel good and help with circulation.

Pick a song. Sing or play music to your baby. Music makes you feel good, right? It will have the same effect on your baby.

Conversation. Talk to your baby. Gentle whispers about your daily life, your family, how or why you are feeling the way that your are. Babies in the womb feel every single thing that you feel. That’s why it’s so important to keep a low stress environment during pregnancy.